Arab men: #18- Halema Bolland

halema boland

Well, she is “cute” if she’s take the natural approach of presenting shows, presenting herself and working more on her articulate skills le anno el dala3 o el maya3a mesh sexy abadan – yeah yeah Halema fans call me jealous!

I don’t understand how most of the guys I hear from, read comments from online think she’s a “shagfe” = hottie! Showing more cleavage makes a gal hot?! Or the fake lenses? Or the foundation on her face and over her nose to define it? mashofna kteer banat on TV simply gorgeous bas matrasha.7o la ay beauty nominations zay el okht ?!

o “HeeeeeeeeeeeeYaaaaaaaaaa” 7aleemaaaaa = walla lagool lawalad 3ammy yentegem mennek!

22 Responses to Arab men: #18- Halema Bolland

  1. EWW!
    I feel like throwing up everytime I see her on TV! I switch channel before I hear more junk! I need the fluids in Ramadan you know

  2. h3rm1ny3w says:


    Halima is smoking hot !!! And, you have to be a man to know why we think her dala3 is sexy !

    I never watched a show for her, ever, because I don’t know the timings LOL

  3. KJ says:

    shi bye2ref! I absolutely hate her. And the guys who gave her that award are khawalat

  4. Ali says:

    I don’t want to say a big word, I freaking hate her!

  5. pokyface says:

    yuuuukh Hermy! zoo2ak (P)alady khales! ekhhhhhhhhh and LOL at KJ! :$

  6. pokyface says:

    Qwaider, I share the same reaction with u man bas I like to check out her makeup .. bas wallaaa

  7. h3rm1ny3w says:

    @ Pokyface:

    first time I meet men who hate here…they say you mean awkward people online 😛

    she’s not baladi ! she’s hot !

  8. eshda3wa says:

    She is nast

    and anyone that thinks shes hot needs to get out more!

  9. h3rm1ny3w says:

    @ eshda3wa:

    Ok I’ll get out more then 😉

  10. Rayan says:

    I hate her she is not pretty at all to me and she always wear too much make up there are too many people who are prettier than her how could she win that price

  11. Abdullah says:

    I dont know why so many men like these fake, plastic, blonde girls they put on TV so much and promote them as ajmal bannat. They really arent. I like natural Arab girls, not Barbie wannabes!

  12. h3rm1ny3w says:

    I like original barbies btw lol

  13. flik says:

    an the way she talks! oh my gosh,, kill me plz!
    i’d rather die seriously

  14. buda says:

    halima is da bst i think wallah no joking she the bst all uk is wid halima we love u…keeep onnn da good work

  15. asdfghjkl; says:

    I don’t even know who that is…

  16. Americangirl says:

    I know youre not jealous, but more like perplexed at why exactly men are attracted to such repulsive, artificial women, and why other women feel that they need to be like this. I ask the same thing, but not all men find this glitzy-caked on makeup-half naked look appealing, it is only those men that are interested in women only for her superficial features that like women such as this one or haifa or paris hilton or whoever, take off their makeup, take back their surgeries, take out their colored contacts, take out the hair dye and put her in something without sequins and there will be nothing beautiful about this person. The thing that cracks me up the most is the drawn eyebrows…bottom line is- she knows shes fake, her man or men lol know shes fake, her family and friends do too… be proud youre not 🙂 real men love real women

  17. h3rm1ny3w says:

    I totally agree: Real Men love and appreciate real women.

    All this make up and fake looks, while they have their effect, it’s only temporary.

  18. Ameni says:


    & by the way do all Kuwaiti women look the same ?

  19. halawawda says:

    I hate this broad with her unnecessarily squeaky high pitched voice, and phony fake ass persona. PLEASE!

  20. El guia says:

    For see true beauty we should put her in normal standard clothes and no makeup, every women can look beautiful with the correct disguise

  21. Sohaila!x says:

    Something I hate more than a fake face is a fake personality! Also the way she speaks sends thoses nastyyy chills down my spine … Euurgg!

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